The Walking Dead

Not about the dead...About people.

The game clearly shows that even in a zombie apocalypse, zombies are not as scary as people ... You have different feelings for each of the characters.


The plot, atmosphere, emotions, freedom of choice, unexpected turns, music... everything is very harmonious and original.


Many people do not like the graphics, but, as for me, it highlights this game from the “crowd” and fits very well into its overall picture. After the passage, you get the feeling that you watched a mini-series, the plot to which you came up with.


Special thanks I want to say to the developers who create such masterpieces. Such games are very rare and very nice when you find such a thing, which remains in memory for a long time. What is worth only the final scene...Unable to hold back tears.

Highly recommend <3

Score 10 out of 10


  • Unexpected turns
  • Incredibly dramatic story
  • Characters
  • Soundtracks
  • Ending
  • Short storyline