11-11 Memories Retold

"Another massacre begun. Once more, we traded blood for yards gained"

That line, the words of a soldier from one of the fighting sides, succinctly sums up most wars humanity's ever been in, including the First World War, during which the events of this game take place.

When I first saw 11-11 Memories Retold, I thought: "Wow, that's an amazing visual style. I have to try it out. Of course, it probably won't be a walk in the park, but that is certainly not enough to stop me".

Well, I was right and I was wrong. The game happens to be just as hard emotionally as I expected... and easier at the same time. Let's talk about it some more.

A bird with a letter flies over the poppy fields to a lone tree far away.

Plot - 10/10

In 11-11 Memories Retold, we follow the stories of both sides: a young Canadian photographer, Harry, who enlisted in the army just 'to get the uniform' and impress a girl he likes, and a German technician, Kurt, who is over fifty years old and went to the front lines to find his missing son. Despite their many differences, they're also very alike, including the facts that they can't kill a man and, when enlisting, they couldn't imagine they could die... up until the moment of the first big battle - Battle of Vimy Ridge. The horrors of the fighting already start to take a toll on their characters and their worldview.

A scene of an active battlefield at night. Lots of barbed wire, dead bodies, bullets fly over the heads of soldiers, etc.
"Was I dead? Worse. I was still at Vimy"

Due to an accident that affects both of them at one point, Kurt and Harry are forced to communicate - or at the least attempt to - despite not knowing each other's language. One of them gets a pet pigeon, another - a pet cat. Throughout the game, the animals serve many purposes, including lifting the spirits of both the characters and the player. I won't be going on about the details of the plot any further, I've already told a lot. The point is: that is just the beginning. The war, however hard in itself and masterfully recreated, is just a background and a reason for many actions, but not the main theme here. The main theme is the characters, their development, their journey through hell that is raging around them. The intricacy of changes to their beliefs, actions they take, and the consequences thereof...

11-11 Memories Retold is not about war. It's about people, simple men - from both sides - at war. The emotionally difficult story is made easier thanks to the perfect composition and the rotation of heavier and lighter moments. In terms of story, that is an unquestionable masterpiece.

A German and a Canadian soldier sit together on a bench.

I also have to mention that, although the game is not 100 % historically accurate, it's following history very closely and is even trying to give you opportunities to learn. For example, during the playthrough, it's possible to unlock historical references about the First World War that will provide you with a little insight about that time and conditions it entailed.

On the left - an old black and white photo of a darkroom, on the right - a historical reference, titled 'Photography during the First World War'.

Gameplay - 10/10

11-11 Memories Retold is, at its core, a walking simulator. That means that most of the gameplay will consist of going from one place to the next, talking to people, initiating prompts, finding the right path or a way to address a specific problem. The plot ensures it never gets boring - in addition, there are a few perks along the way. First, you don't always have to play as a human, a couple of segments are specifically designed for a cat. Second, the game has some additional mechanics (card games, for example), including unique ones for each character. Harry is a photographer - he can take photographs and it's as important in moving along the story as in gathering collectibles. On the other hand, Kurt is a technician, so he can eavesdrop on enemies, repair radios, and fix various pieces of equipment. Those little details help you believe that you are who you play at this exact moment.

A girl smiling in the camera lens.
Harry's vocation
A radio receiver with lots of lightbulbs, switches, sliders, etc.
Kurt's vocation

Graphics & Visual Design - 10/10

Extraordinary painting style is probably a major selling point of this game. It immediately draws your attention - but when you look closer, you see the amount of work and talent put into the creation of the pictures before your eyes. Not only is 11-11 Memories Retold created in an impressionist style, but it is also crafted with meticulous attention to detail. It's not a method to portray less and save the time, but quite otherwise. To convey a good story, to make the players feel the reality of the situations they're put in, the developers had to work twice, if not thrice as hard. Besides, this type of visual design suits the story really well - it emphasizes everything emotional, helps you focus on the most important moments, leaving anything else as billions of brush strokes waving and bending on the edge of sight.

A bird with a letter flies among sunlit trees and over the twisting river.

Soundtrack - 10/10

For the most part, the game's soundtrack is massive and its high notes can reach the bottom of one's soul. Not in vain the composer and the whole orchestra toiled on it days in and days out. The music is precisely timed to the difficult situation on the ground and can easily slide from joy to despair, from sorrow to delight... from war to peace and vice versa. Furthermore, Harry and Kurt have different music themes - as they're very different people. And when you play as a cat, a silly frisky melody kicks in.
The music direction in this project is more classic, more traditional - nothing new, innovative or experimental. But this choice played very well with the fact that the events unfold at the beginning of the twentieth century.

A cat on a battlefield near barbed wire in some strange, dreamlike world. A bright blue figure stands before it and calls to come closer.

Atmosphere - 10/10

11-11 Memories Retold starts with lighter tones - but as the fighting continues, as the war goes on, the air becomes almost tangibly heavier and darker. The main characters change too and, since you perceive everything through the prism of their perception, you can feel the despair, rage, dread, and confusion they experience... However, as darkness becomes overwhelming closer to the end, even the smallest rays of sunshine are easily and acutely seen. They bring hope and solace or at the very least a brief respite. And all I said was not just empty words. It's exactly what the game shows you - through places and landscapes, through fighting and doing errands, through circumstances and dialogues, through music and carefully measured moments of silence.

A man flies in a baloon over a demolished city, where fires burn sporadically.
"You can't see the war from the ground, because on the ground, you ARE the war"

Verdict - 10/10

11-11 Memories Retold is an artful representation of the First World War, of human emotions and experiences, of the things people go through during those terrible times, and what that burden can do with them. What it can turn them into. Or how they, despite all odds, can persevere and preserve their hopes and dreams.
Would I recommend this game to anyone? Absolutely. The harsh realities of war are interspersed with serene moments that soften the impact, holding the overall narrative together. This is the perfect game to follow the swing of human emotions... and maybe brush up on your history too.

The game logo. Features large black letters: 'II-II: Memories Retold'.
Score 10 out of 10

A deeply developed story showing the fate of people at war.

Diverse gameplay with lots of well-implemented mechanics.

Impressionistic visual style that feels like an integral part of the story.

Masterfully composed compositions, each strategically placed in its own time and place.

Fills every scene in the game, fluctuating and perfectly aligning with any specific situation.


  • Intensely emotional and carefully written story
  • Immersive gameplay
  • One-of-a-kind visual design
  • Beautiful soundtrack that supports the story
  • Unforgettable, dynamic atmosphere