I remember playing the first Party Hard on my Nintendo Switch, stepping into the shoes of a killer who, fed up with the noise, the flashing lights, the pounding music, and the screams of wild partygoers, took matters into his own hands. He crashed those chaotic gatherings with one goal in mind: to bring the parties to a deadly end.

The party is back—and with it comes the inevitable end of the party. But this time around, things have escalated to an entirely new level. Party Hard returns with more characters than ever before, each bringing their own unique set of skills to the dance floor of destruction. Whether you prefer brute force, clever traps, or subtle sabotage, there’s a killer for every style of play. And it doesn’t stop there—the game offers a wider variety of levels, each crafted with intricate designs and filled with countless opportunities to take out your targets in increasingly creative ways. You’re not just limited to picking off a few unsuspecting partygoers; you can go after everyone if you’re feeling particularly ruthless.
For those who love a good challenge, there are optional objectives scattered throughout each level, daring you to test your limits and find new strategies. Maybe you’ll need to take out a specific target without being seen, or perhaps you’ll be tasked with orchestrating an elaborate chain reaction that leaves the entire party in shambles. The possibilities are as endless as they are exhilarating.
The methods at your disposal are just as diverse as the levels themselves. You can set fires and watch the chaos spread, rig explosive traps, sabotage electrical systems to create deadly malfunctions, or slip poison into the air and quietly watch the partygoers collapse. Prefer to get your hands dirty? Grab a knife and stab your way through the crowd, or better yet, start a fight between partygoers and let them do the dirty work for you. If things get too heated, you can always frame someone else for your crimes, shifting the blame and slipping away unnoticed. The game gives you complete freedom to approach each scenario however you like, encouraging you to be as imaginative—or as brutal—as possible.

Do you thrive in chaos, creating pandemonium and risking everything for the thrill of the moment? Or are you more of a ghost in the night, moving silently through the shadows and leaving no trace behind? The choice is entirely yours. Each playstyle offers a different experience, and the game rewards both reckless abandon and meticulous planning. You can go all-in, turning each level into a blood-soaked battlefield, or take your time, carefully plotting each move and eliminating evidence as you go.
Party Hard 2 is a game that thrives on madness. The more you play, the deeper you get sucked into its twisted, exhilarating world. Hours can slip by in what feels like minutes as you lose yourself in the thrill of the hunt, always searching for the next perfect kill. It’s a wild, unpredictable ride, and once you start, it’s hard to stop. So get ready—the party may have started, but you’re here to make sure it ends.

The experience on Steam Deck is excellent, both in terms of controls and performance. Party Hard 2 isn’t a graphically demanding game, but with everything happening on screen—the NPCs moving about, the flashing lights, the chaos unfolding—it becomes a visual and auditory spectacle. Despite all this, it runs flawlessly, with no frame drops, delivering smooth and responsive gameplay throughout. It’s a perfect way to take Party Hard 2 with you wherever you go, keeping the mayhem right at your fingertips.
May the party be with you!

The gameplay is smooth and incredibly fun, offering a wide range of actions and opportunities to trigger chaotic chain reactions.
The graphics blend 3D with pixel art in a way that gives Party Hard 2 a truly unique style. It's a visual spectacle that stands out and enhances the overall experience.
The story is told through our actions and the cinematics between each mission. At times, we may come across more as vigilantes with a twisted sense of justice rather than criminals. It's a well-crafted narrative that keeps you engaged from start to finish.
The music, the sound—everything is top-notch, immersing you fully in the feeling that you're right in the middle of a wild party.
It runs smoothly and wonderfully on Steam Deck, without the need to modify the controls and with no frame drops. An excellent portable experience.
- Challenging
- Fun
- Cool music
- Simple, yet cool and beautiful graphics
- intriguing story
- None in my opinion