Fallout 3

Explore and survive a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
A birthday party!

Let's go vault dweller! Let me tell you about my time in the Capital Wasteland, also known as Fallout 3. This game… well, its complicated:

Story & Setting: 9/10

The opening moments alone are iconic. I was born and raised in Vault 101, a haven from the nuclear holocaust that scorched the earth. My dad, a brilliant scientist (voiced by Liam Neeson, no less!), vanishes, and suddenly I'm thrust into the dangerous and desolate world above. The game masterfully nails the post-apocalyptic vibe. The ruined monuments of Washington D.C., the rusted cars, the skeletal remains… it’s all incredibly bleak and atmospheric. The story itself, while a bit linear at times, is compelling. I was driven by a desperate search for my father and slowly unraveled the mysteries of Project Purity. The writing is sharp, and the lore is deep. I enjoyed the radio broadcasts and all the small environmental details that really put me into the scene. I docked a point only because although the central story is good, the ending seemed a little too abrupt.

Oops! I wasn't supposed to be here

Gameplay: 7/10

Now things start to get a little...irradiated. Fallout 3 gives you the privilege to play from either a first- or third-person perspective. And the freedom to be traveling in a vast wasteland is good. You can act like Robin Hood, helping the underprivileged, and fighting for justice. Or you can be an absolute jerk, raiding settlements and taking whatever the heck you want. The fact that there are these choices of morality and the freedom to pursue them is awesome.

The core loop of gameplay is exploration, scavenging for resources, and combat. The actual combat is a marriage of sorts between real-time shooting and the more strategic VATS (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System). Essentially, VATS freezes time to target body parts and compute hit probability. Fun system to use, but frankly, the gunplay feels a bit unpolished at times-for example, in contrast to more modern shooters. Then there's inventory management... A lot. It's all about dodging weight limits, finding empty containers for scrap, and agonizing over what to carry versus what to leave behind.

A dust cloud?

Graphics & Sound: 8/10

For the time it was released, Fallout 3 was quite impressive. The levels are detailed and the character models are okay. The classic Vault Boy animations are fun. The art style and presentation of the game do a good job of making the world feel believable for a post-apocalyptic setting. But let's not get our hopes up, it does age badly. The graphics are certainly not cutting edge nowadays, and there are some stiff animations here and there.

The sound design, however, is excellent. The music is haunting and atmospheric. The voice acting is also first rate, particularly Liam Neeson as my dad. The ambient sounds, the radio crackle, the crunch of glass on the ground… they all really help create the experience.

pip boy
It's the pip boy! And I'm evil

Character Progression & Customization: 8/10

Here is where Fallout 3 really shines. With the SPECIAL system (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck), you set the stage for almost any style of character you want: a roaring bruiser, smashing everything in his path; a sneaky sniper; or a silver-tongued negotiator talking himself out of every situation. The skills are deep and rewarding, and when you get to increase them as you level up, these meaningful perks allow you to make choices that ultimately affect your character's playstyle. There are plenty of weapons and armor just waiting to be collected, modified, and upgraded, thereby allowing you to customize your gear till the cows come home.

Sleep? No thanks!

Overall: 8/10

Fallout 3 is one of the classics for a reason: it's just huge, enthralling, and often quite violent. It captivates you with its story, richly detailed worlds, and extremely satisfying character development. Gameplay is getting somewhat old and inventory management could be a little tricky, but the positives easily outweigh the negatives insofar as you may find yourself mulling it over weeks or even months after you've put down the controller.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely, especially if you haven’t played it before.

Tips for new players:

  • Explore everything! The Capital Wasteland is full of secrets and side quests.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with your character build.
  • Save often! The game can be buggy, and you don’t want to lose hours of progress.
  • Listen to the radio. It’s essential for world-building and can lead to quests.
  • Be prepared for a lot of walking, and the occasional surprise encounter with Super Mutants or Deathclaws.
  • Embrace the post-apocalyptic chaos. It's part of the fun.
War. War never changes.
Score 8 out of 10

The core loop of gameplay is exploration, scavenging for resources, and combat.

For its time, Fallout 3 was pretty impressive. The environments are well-detailed, and the character models are decent.

The SPECIAL system (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck) allows you to customize your character to your liking.


  • Open World Exploration
  • Engaging Story and Quests
  • Character Customization and RPG Elements
  • Unique Combat System (V.A.T.S.)
  • Atmosphere and World-Building
  • Performance Issues & Stability
  • G.F.W.L Integration (Removed but traces remain)
  • Modding Complications
  • Limited Ultrawide Monitor Support
  • Lots of Bugs