This War of Mine

Can you survive until the end of the war?

This war of mine is a dark management simulator, scavenge, build, and try to survive.  Making the right choices could mean life or death. 

Many ways to play, and people to help.

You start off in a house that was abandoned,  search around and see if you can find anything useful. 


Patch up the holes, and reinforce the door and you might make it through the night.


Each scenario ends during different days, some are pretty long and others will surprise you how short it is. 


Building things and upgrading workshops can open up different tools or items for you to build or trade with.


Try to arm yourselves and fix your shelter ASAP.  Break ins are no fun. Especially when they scare the kids trying to survive with you.


Scavenge through the wreckage of your old neighborhood for things you need to survive.  Food and Medicine are a rare thing. Comfort items like coffee, books, and toys can be found here and there.  Becareful who you talk to as well. Not everyone is friendly. 

Red circles indicate hidden dangers...
You may find lots of things scavenging, lets just hope you can bring back a lot as well.

After many difficult choices, sicknesses, weather patterns, and sleepless nights you may just survive. 

Take in the little joys, because the hardships are many.

I spent many hours playing this game. The realism can be tough with the fact you cant save and go back and try a different choice.  Having to scavenge for food and never knowing where your next meal can come from is frightening thing.  This management simulation game is difficult but not impossible.  It gives a great challenge, with the sounds and graphics it puts you right in the gloomy mood.  I love collecting the steam achievements and then you can try out the different mods in the steam workshop. There are also different modes and DLC to try out.  Highly recommend! 

Score 10 out of 10

Point and click, very easy to play. Can be difficult to manage through the hardships of war.

Looks like a mixture between photographs, newspapers, and a pencil drawing. Very dark and gloomy. Perfect.

The soundtracks keep it very gloomy and perfect for the mood.


  • Two different Modes to try.
  • Steam Achievements.
  • DLC and Steam Workshop.
  • Difficult but not impossible.
  • You can't take back your choices, or your deaths.
  • Can be really hard at times.