Once you find some people, maybe you can get some answers?

Your inventory and quest log are easily accessible. There are many menus to help you customize your traits of your characters. But beware. Cardio is almost always necessary!

Searching for helpful items, weapons, and ammo is pretty easy. Most interactive things have a shimmer on them. Once you have cleared out a place its marked on the map.

Finding people isnt always helpful. Trying to maintain a colony of people in outposts can be difficult at times. Upgrade rooms as needed and pray a horde doesnt get through.

Can you find all the zombie related easter eggs?

Kind of reminds me of GTA but with zombies.

Climb up and scout out helpful areas and avoid hordes and super zombies!

Just because you CAN drive everywhere.. Doesnt mean its always helpful..

This game can be a bit repetitive at times. But the many open towns to roam around make it worth it. Build up your community and move into bigger places. Completely scour a whole town and bring the supplies back to your outpost. This game looks pretty easy, but the simplification actually makes this game pretty hard. Zombies follow noises, and a small crowd can turn into a horde easily. Navigate through the many quests, and challenge yourselves with the many game modes. Try out the other two game modes, it may be the same world.. but not even close to the same game!! Try to outlast in Breakdown, or Survive through lifeline! Maximize all the outposts, collect as many of the in game characters as you can. max out their stats. Or if you are in the mood you can cruise around and just hit people with your vehicle until it explodes.. Beware of the higher level zombies, each has it own attack and can be quite difficult to kill! Without giving too much away, I would highly recommend this game if you are in the mood for a bit of zombie fun!

Runs smoothly on my computer, and there are plenty of settings to dial it down if needed.
Perfectly in tuned for this game. Sets the ominous mood and eerie silence at times of these undead filled cities..
Very easy to play. Tutorial walks you through things as the game progresses.
- Lots of steam achievements.
- Completely open world.
- Customizable character stats, and upgrades.
- Plenty of things to interact with and use in game.
- Can be a bit repetitive.
- Auto saves after death.