
Hide, Scavenge, Kill or be Killed.

The sole objective of Rust is to survive in the wilderness using materials gathered or stolen; the player starts with only a rock and a torch. The player must successfully manage their hunger, thirst, and health or risk dying. While there are bears and wolves, given the game is multiplayer-only, the primary threat is other players. Combat is accomplished through firearms and primitive weapons, such as bows. Additionally, non-player characters, including attack helicopters, will occasionally fly around attacking armed players. These cause a hindrance to players and can be taken down with persistence. A prevalent concept is to form and join clans with other players in order to survive longer. To stay protected, players must build or join bases. The game features crafting, though the player only begins with limited options. Raiding is a very common and is usually done in large clans.

The Wikipedia site is very helpful for starter tips, and game information.  Most players arent friendly and would rather kill you than help, so I would do a little research before you head online.


The first confusing thing is where to start in the game, there are so many servers to choose from.  I tried to pick the one with the smallest amount of players hoping it would give me a little more time to check out the game before I died.

You start the game completely stripped of everything... Yes everything. Except for a torch and a rock.  


Wake up and start moving.


The map is very helpful, you can set your spawn point by building a sleeping bag... IF you can get that far..

If not, well the map can tell you where you are when you wake up on the beach.


There are many menus to help you get started, and  tabs to sort through for different things you can build. 


You can purchase different items you can build online, or collect resources to build items that are all ready in the menu.


Most resources will give you a little hint, and others you gotta just try it.


Don't let the beauty of this game distract you...


There are MANY hidden dangers. Beware of your travels.


There are a lot of player built structures, but beware of entering someplace that isnt yours.. there are plenty of traps and people lying in wait to kill you off.


I couldnt get too close to anything really cool looking, as many players are not friendly. 

knock knock

I learned this lesson pretty quick, Beware of other players... Even if they are playing nice..

Friend or Foe?2
Friend or Foe?1
Friend or Foe?

This game was fun to play, but very time consuming for something that doesnt last. Most of the servers wipe out their worlds every two weeks. I assume that it keeps things fair for newer players. But it still seems pretty unbalanced.  The other players on the servers werent very friendly and most would rather kill you and take your supplies before talking.  But its a lot of like a deadly game of hide and seek with crafting abilities thrown in.  You can purchase items to craft on their websites, but it takes while to gather most supplies needed.  This game isnt one you want to try alone, you wont get very far at all.  But it was beautiful and the details were on point. 

Score 7 out of 10

This game is very performance heavy. I couldnt run anything above low or potato and I do have a decent machine. I had a lot of crashes after death that made me have to restart my entire machine. The menus took a long time to load, and often resulted in deaths where I would loose all my things.

This game is brutal to try solo. People can and WILL kill you, even if you arent a threat. Be aware and beware of anyone. You drop everything except a rock and a torch once you die. You start out in the world completely nude, and almost starving. It was very hard for me to really get anywhere in the game, because the servers are usually very full of other people and they are not friendly. Its an open world survival PVP game that doesnt really have storyline cinematics type of advancement and its servers often wipe clean the worlds and start again after a week or so. It was rather hard to get passed naked dude with a rock for several hours.

The gameplay was smooth with the controls, and pretty accurate with the aiming of weapons.

Even though my machine would only successfully run the lowest settings of this game for long periods of time, I did check out all the settings on max and took some wonderful screen shots. This game is beautiful and brutal. The sounds are pretty spot on when hearing things from a distance, and you must be on guard with this game at all times.


  • Beautiful graphics and sound effects are spot on.
  • Steam Workshop makes Mod to try and there are many servers to test out.
  • You can buy items online to bring into the game for more personalization of the game.
  • Playing with a few friends is the best way to go.
  • This game never ends!!
  • Multiplayer servers often wipe all your work away after a week or two.
  • Menus can take awhile to load.
  • Game is very performance intensive you really need a powerful machine.
  • PVP makes the game harder never knowing friends or foes..
  • Starting with nothing and having things stolen after you die makes advancement difficult.