A few hours after crash landing, the remaining survivors have established a rough campsite. Help them research and build a habitable campsite.

Keeping your survivors fed and watered are the least of your worries. Keeping them well rested, and happy can be major tasks.

Explore around the island and uncover areas that could be helpful!

Research and craft new items to help survivors take care of their daily needs! Some tasks are well suited to some and not so much for others. Check out their stats and add points as each person levels up!

Sometimes, there isnt much you can do without having all your resources available. But sometimes you can find helpful items!

I have found the "end" several times, and there are few ways to get there as well. The game seems a tad bit unbalanced at times with food rations, but if your willing to sacrifice a few survivors.. you might be able to find a better ending...

Overall I found this game highly entertaining. But it can be very difficult at the same time. There seem to be differences in each game, things kind of "shuffle" throughout the survivors and there are options to change different skill points. So keep trying! The dialogue changes as survivors moods fluctuate, and hungry people are cranky people! It is quite tricky to manage everyone, but I believe it can be done. You meet some interesting characters on your way throughout the jungle. Oh and totally the prophecy, but you know all about that.. Don't you?

Runs smoothly. Soundtrack works perfectly with the game.
SImple point and click, with a turn based type of management.
May ways to level up different characters and try new options.
- Perfectly dark.
- Easy gameplay.
- Customizable character stats, and upgrades.
- Steam achievements.
- Can be rather difficult
- Seems a little unbalanced food wise.