Zombie Shooter 2. Yes. The first game has a sequel, some part got modified, some left as it was, improvement there, improvement here and voila! Still out main goal is the same survive and kill as many zombies as you can. First game had two characters this one has like eight of them with a little difference apart from stats and male/female sprite. They also now have a funny biography you can read if you care. I especially love one about dyslexic dude who watched too much of McGyver and started to send bombs on wrong addresses

Wait! Wait. We actually got plot this time. Our character receives letter from his/her beloved. We were supposed to meet our beloved in this small town. But our significant other suddenly got an urgent job at M.A.G.M.A. corporation. I think they are guys who deal with the zombie apocalypse. Now we have to save our love because something smells fishy here and it’s not zombies.

So what changes compare to the first game? A bit more characteristics, now you also have intelligence and spot. First for faster EXP second for finding secret stashes, it makes red arrow appear faster. You also now can have a passive perk you chose from the start. Those perks are: Auto-therapy (regen), Analyst (faster exp gain), Economist (more money from pick ups), Night Vision, Vampirism (Heals from killing zombies), Hypnotist (some of zombies will attack their allies), Observant (making secret arrows appear faster), Boxer (zombie die faster from making contact with you). What else changed? We now have an inventory and shop terminals. We can buy from a big variety of small, medium and heavy weaponry. Though prices are bites worse than zombies so you might stick to what you find during your quest. Also there will be several vehicle stages, you’ll even drive a tank at one point. And there even interaction between other survivors, first game didn’t even have other survivors.

So as you can see this is quite an improvement just like Alien shooter 2 is. Pretty sure it is also cheap so no reason to miss out on this game. OST also still bangs.