Zombie Driver HD. It’s top down car action game. The plot is simple: Some toxic waste barrels stood in the sun for too long and exploded. Explosions set off radioactive air that infected people with the zombie virus. You are a nameless protagonist, a taxi driver. You managed to survive in the initial hell and joined in with the military at their improvised camp. Since it’s a crisis everyone's got to do their part.

Your part is to drive around and save any survivors escorting them on your trusty yellow cab. Well, yellow cab is on the car available at the start (with different paint job of course). You can also pick a muscle car or “L4D” van. You will unlock other cars such as sports car or limo after certain missions and doing secondary tasks. Sometimes the military will also ask you to eliminate a big scary mutant zombie. Don’t worry you're not going to just ram them. The military has provided you with illegal modifications to your garage of cars. Every car now wields double weapons such as high caliber machine guns, flamethrowers, rockets, railgun. Also you can use nitro to get short bursts of speed.

After a couple of missions military base will move to a different location in search of survivors and provisions. You of course go along with them and do your part till the city can finally be left and probably wiped off the face of the planet with a nuclear blast. Right! Your cars needs upgrades so it will be harder to destroy and easier to handle on a sharp turn. Don't forget to tune it up.

Well that’s the story mode, there are two more modes. Actual race where you compete with other drivers, I think it has some unlocks for finishing every race first but I don’t remember it properly. And there is the area slaughter mode. You drive around and splatter zombies till your car is wrecked. It is quite fun, I might replay it one more time. Anyway it’s good and cheap. So do not miss out on Zombie Driver.


Yeah it looks good
Unnoticeable ambiance.
Best part of course, though turning your car or figuring out what you can drive through is going to be annoying.
- Fast missions
- Hitting zombies with your car is fun
- Making sharp turns and turning around in general is sluggish and annoying