I regret spending points on this game. When I first looked at it, I thought, "Oh, a good tactical turn-based game." It was not turn-based; if it were, it would be a decent game.Okay, here’s how it went: I went through the tutorial and learned about waypoints, orders you can give to your unit, or orders you can assign to a unit after it reaches a waypoint. I also learned how shooting works, how the preview turn works, etc. I was ready for my first mission. Of course, as the proverb goes, "The first pancake is always a mess." I planned; I gave orders to pick a position and wait to shoot at said position. I got to the cover right at the wall before our target and got shot.I managed on the second try. However, I realized one thing: shooting fecking sucks in this game.

It does not work the way I want it to work. I mean, put my unit in a covered position, order to look in the direction, and shoot the enemy in sight. I click preview, and everything looks fine. I press execute and get my whole team wiped. Why does this happen? This isn't how the tutorial showed it. I rage quit on the second mission. I tried it 5 times and failed all the times. The "everyone moves in real-time" shtick doesn't work. It's the same reason why people hate Alpha Anti-Terror. Enemies do not stand like they did in the tutorial; they flank and shoot you, and they react faster than your units. The only good point about this game is the design of the characters and nothing else.