Super Time Force Ultra. This game is an annoying piece of shite. I’m not going to say anything good about this game. Don’t know who’s bright idea was to make time limit along with 1hit=death. Maybe that person wanted to make a good game, I don’t I know that I sat through one and a halve stages and said “F@CK THIS SHITE I HAD ENOUGH, I HAVE BETTER GAMES TO PLAY”.

Let’s start with the plot. I do not want to talk about the plot of this game. If you watched shite ass cartoon called “Axe Cop” that’s how writing and pacing felt. But let’s summarize it. One eyed scientist named Repeatsky created a time travelling machine. At the same time his future self appeared in front of him wearing two eye patches. Hello, Team Fortress 2 called, said they made this joke in 2010. If writing didn’t make you face distort in an unamused state the gameplay will. His future self is a stereotypical douchebag. Who says that after he created the time machine all sorts of apocalyptic events started to happen and he’s here with his team of unoriginal names to stop every bad event from happening. By the way all of the bad things happen because of Professor Infinity and his robot army who obviously professor Repeatsky after he saw his future self. Present self looked at him, tears down his beard and thought to himself “I will become a douchebag assholsky” in the future. Dialogs and plot immediately made think of “Adultswim” cartoons. Let’s forget the plot and go to the gameplay and mechanics.

Anyway if bad teenage writing just made me cringe. You know that kind of teenage writing who thinks that everybody else is dumb and don’t understand but he’s actually smart, cool and funny. Then tutorial set all the nails in the coffin. This game is time based like “1minute Hero”. So you have Contra/Broforce “run&gun” level and you have short time limit and you also die from 1 hit. But, you can rewind time, you can either wait till it rewinds to the moment most suitable or just press a button for a big chunk to be rewinded. It gets annoying real fast. There are couples of things I hate about video games and time limit is one of them. I hate being in a hurry, my concentration drops when I always have to reminded that time is ticking. I like to stand around and view the scenery or think a little bit about how I’m going to approach something, or to look for secrets. So gameplay turns into repeat of “Aw shit I died, aw shit out of time, aw shit I died again, aw shit time’s out again”. You also have limited time rewinds but there is plenty enough not to notice it. Next, your characters, Red bandanna mini gun dude, Green sniper girl, Grey shield guy. First shoots and does three way spread shot as second attack (you need to charge your attack for that by holding button for a second). Sniper shoots ricochets rounds and piercing shots. Shield dude reflect shots and sets force field as his second attack. Each stage will have new character that you can save from their demise. I saved two of them and they both sucked ass.

So since it’s obvious that you won’t get there in time how do you do it? There are “+10 seconds” tokens and slow down time power ups scattered around the level. It won’t enough though you will always be near the limit. You only manage to do so because your “past selfs” help you. But that often means rewind to near the beginning of the level. Which once again annoying as hell. You can also get temporary extra hp by saving your past self from death. Still it doesn’t help too much. Though it makes boss battles somehow tolerable.

In the end I want to say that to don’t bother with that game, easy skip. Rewinding sucks, save states are way better imo. Would be okay Broforce clone if it weren’t for the time limit and rewind.


Pseudo retro pixel graphics that western developers liked so much for some unknown reason. It looks nothing like pixel art of the past
I was to angry to notice the OST
Annoying constant dying and rewinding.
- Time limit is annoying
- Bad writing
- 1 hit death