Serial Cleaner

'ey Tony! Clean up our mess, will ya?

Ever played Hotline Miami? This game is what happens afterward. Your name is Bobby Leaner you are the cleaner. Not just any kind of cleaner, you clean after dirty business is done. Blood splatters, evidence, cadavers those are the things you clean (getting rid of). How did you end up like this? Well judging by Bobby’s habit of making bets on boxing matches I can assume with a confidence that the debts is the answer and thrill of being caught.

We need a bigger mop

Alright this game is stealth action where you need to dispose evidence, bodies and clean blood. So what skills does Bobby have? He’s expert in hiding in plain sight, using vents for shortcuts and disposing bodies in all kinds of manner. But what do you do if you’ve been seen? Don’t worry too much unless it’s “seen=busted” type of level. If law enforce saw you just get out of his sight for a while after that copper will say “I’m not paid enough for this crap” and he’ll go back to his post… even if you hid in a box while cop was chasing you having you in his sight range.

the basics

You know the proverb that goes like “Жизнь бандита хороша, но коротка”. This translates to "Life of bandit is luxurious but short". Eventually one of Bobby’s employers starts using him a bit too much. Which leads to said employer trying to “clean” Bobby if you catch my drift? That where Bobby from cleaner becomes a rat-snitch.

bloody mess

Controls can be a bit awkward and clunky but you’ll get used to them soon. I used WASD type of controls “K” for picking up a body or drop it, or pick up evidence “L” to hide in a hide spot. Space key is to zoom out and see the entire map and points of interest. Hold shift to bring up your mop to wipe away blood puddles. Also look out for side collectibles they will unlock new costumes and bonus levels.

One way to dispose a body

In the end that game is great fun that can also be very frustrating. There are many 1970 movies references. Soundtrack is also sounds funky. Beautiful art style, gorgeous mustaches and many other good things awaits you in this game. Don’t miss out on it.

bonus level
Score 9 out of 10

Love the art style

Love the 1970's funk

Can feel a bit clunky in the beginning.


  • Art
  • OST
  • Keeps you invested
  • Can be frustrating at times