LEGO Marvel Avengers. Another LEGO game same as always it is an action platformer with puzzles. I’ve never been a big fan of either DC or Marvel, I mostly preferred “Dark Horse comics”. But I do have couple of comic books, one is even related to the plot of this game. I do believe this game follows mostly the plot of Age of Ultron and the first Avengers. I’ve only seen the first movie, I think back in 2012 or something. It was an okay movie and the theater was mostly empty so I could enjoy it in silence without a crowd reacting to every single scene.

But let’s talk about the game already. It’s LEGO so you pretty much already know what to expect from it: levels where you need to solve several puzzles while fighting and platforming. Optionally you can also collect side objectives that you are too impatient to collect in the free play. Just like LEGO Batman you need to save a person who is very dear to the franchise, in Batman it was Adam West (God rest his soul) in the Avengers it’s Stan Lee (God rest his soul). Plus red bricks, plus kits, you know the drill. Some of the features I’ve also seen in other LEGO games such as LEGO LotR where only big characters can rip off big doors. And I know that LEGO games usually have like 100+ plus characters to select from but don’t expect every Marvel character to be in here. Some are even locked behind paid DLC.

There are also several hub areas to collect side objectives and do side quests. Also the method to replay levels in Free Play is a bit tedious, you need to “go to space” in order to select them. I usually leave the free play till I’m done with the game because when you're done with the game you’ll unlock all the characters with all the necessary abilities. Also the main hub area is the same as in Lego Marvel Super Heroes, people complained about it. People also complained about two more things: Season pass doesn’t includes everything, and you cannot 100% the game without paid DLCs.

I didn’t exactly enjoy it as much as I enjoyed LEGO Jurassic World or Lego Hobbit. Maybe I’m just fed up with LEGO games, maybe it’s because all of the shaking levels in this game and constantly respawning enemies. Maybe because I didn’t see the other Marvel movie to enjoy this game properly. Most likely it’s because of paid DLCs and shaky levels. People say LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is better game but I didn’t play it yet so I can’t say. Well if you skip this one you won’t lose much.


Don't know why the requirements keep getting higher for LEGO games in the plastic as it was in LEGO Movie
Mostly the movie's OST which has quite good BGMs.
Same as in every other LEGO game
- It's LEGO
- Paid DLCs
- Can't 100% the game without paid DLCs
- It's LEGO