Door Kickers. Sigh… another real time tactical game as if I didn’t have it enough with TASTEE. You play as squad of swat police officers. You are tasked with neutralizing criminals and terrorists that holed up in a building. You also need to defuse bombs and save hostages. My initial experience immediately ruined by how awkward the controls feel. Well at least compared to TASTEE your planning is ruined only half the time. I really expected more from this game since Door Kickers Action Squad was such a fire game, play it instead of this one.

Alright let me explain how thing works in Door Kickers. First of all movement is done by holding “RMB” and grabbing it in the required direction. Like in others RT tactics there will be your waypoint, unless you turned off smart pause. You click on your point and pick a set of options best suited for that situation. Just be warned it is really way easier to just go in and pray that you kill enemies first than planning to throw flash bang there, and then order your team in to move in. Because each level usually doesn’t take more than a minute. If there is a door in the way you can move your waypoint past it and your cop will kick the door off on his way in. Or you can use spy camera to see if enemy is ready for your ambush. So order one officer to kick the door and other one to throw flashbang, but make sure the grenade guy is really close to the entrance so he can throw the grenade the way you want it.

Sometimes you are required to also save hostages, you can ignore it and just kill all the bandits instead. That is if the bandits don’t kill hostages first. But in case you prioritize safety of a citizen you’d need to order the citizen to follow you into the safe zone where the saved citizen will pop out of existence. You’ll also have a sniper to help you. In planning mode you’ll put a target mark on one of bandits, you either change target by pressing tab or order your sniper to shoot by pressing “S”. I’m not good at multitasking and controlling a squad of more than two guys is a headache for me. Bomb diffusing is slightly easier just make sure you clear out the room so no one bothers you while you are cutting the wires on a bomb.

By completing missions you are earning stars and doctrine points. Star rating is easy, 1st for finishing the room, 2nd for doing it on time, 3rd for not having casualties. There are also side tasks such as doing everything in one planning, doing everything alone and doing it without using smart pause after planning. You can also equip your operators with main gun, side arm, armor and 3 miscellaneous items. You also can unlock new classes such as shield or assaulter. And you need that since your starting class only has pistols. You also need to stars to unlock all the guns, utility items and armors. Also funny thing, main campaign is locked till you get your team to rank 6, interesting choice I say. Still so far I’m not impressed with this game but at least levels are so short you play couple of levels make some unlocks and forget it. In the end I want to say just play Door Kickers Action Squad it’s a better and more interesting game.