Castaway Paradise Town Building Sim

it will get boring real quick

Castaway Paradise. This one is how should I call it? Well you’re an errand boy who runs around and do all kind of odd jobs. It’s not farming simulator in a sense of German simulator games. More like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon/Rune Factory. Well people call this game “We have Animal Crossing at home” meme. I don’t know I’ve never played Animal Crossing but I played Harvest Moon.

That's our baker Gustave

So anyway there is no plot apart from we somehow end up in the ocean and we drifted to a small set of islands. We are greeted by pig lady named Viktoria who’s mayor of the islands. That’s where the slavery begins, now we have to do everything for everyone for a small reward. We start with small thing like breaking pebbles with a pickaxe, cleaning the beach from garbage. New tasks and activities starts to piling up. Catch a fish, shake a tree, dig a hole, feel that hole with something, grow a tree, plant some cabbages, plant some flowers, remove some flowers, catch a bug, take this thing and deliver to some other resident of this island etc. Things get boring real fast you just doing and doing and doing and repeat and repeat. While you doing it you’ll meet other residents of this island. There baker elk Gustave, street vendor penguin girl, Carpenter baboon Angus, aviator duck Amelia, Shopkeeper goat Samir, ok other names I don’t remember much but there are also a pirate and postman lady, two frog bankers, stylist who looks like a hipster and old squirrel who works at a Museum. 

level up
Angry Bird

You can also unlock other parts of the island by paying for bridge repairs…. Who’s the bloody hell need those bridges? Me, who just arrived here or you, permanent residents? Why do I have to pay for YOUR bridge? I’m already doing tons and tons thing for you and getting barely any coin for that. The worse is the time needed to build or grow something. Fecking cabbage takes 21 real hours to fully grow. Plus to build a bridge you have to get 9 puzzle pieces, each cost 2500 or you can sometime get a piece as a reward for a quest. And there are at least 5 places that require those puzzle pieces. You can also pay to rebuild of the resident’s houses…. I’m at loss of words. The hell did you do before I got there? I’m a survivor of ship/plane crash not your slave!

Delivery aviator duck Amelia

Right there is also level up system, each thing you do will get you some exp. But those level ups are just for new outfits and furniture for your tent/house/mansion. Is it good? Nah not really, you just play a session till you run out of thing to unlock. Graphics are not the prettiest I’ve seen looks like early 3D from FF7. Music is okay but nothing catchy. How should I say, I don’t really feel a “soul” in this game if you know what I’m saying. You can skip it or play or better play Harvest Moon. Overall nothing impressive. 

crab people
It's not giant it's not enemy but it's a crab
Score 6 out of 10

Eh meh hit or miss. This kinda graphics I would expect to see from a some shovelware game on a disc from a gaming magazine.

Just tropical melodies, nothing much.

Constant repeating of the same menial routine tasks. Mind numbing.


  • Okay for half an hour session play
  • Grind
  • Wait time for constructions/farming
  • Gets boring real fast
  • Graphics are hit or miss