Barbarous - Tavern Of Emyr

Orcs are invading are our kingdom where is our hero Emyr?

Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr. This one is another SQRT3 time management game. Quite unique I must say, different from the rest of SQRT3’s games. What makes it unique? First: there is some voice acting. Second: there are QTEs in the intros and outros of the levels. And I did not see any of those two in any other SQRT3’s games so far. Now that’s something for a casual time management game.

I have the power
Not He-Man

Anyway what is the plot of this game?  So there is a legendary barbarian named Emyr and his gang. He stopped an orc invasion but got wounded, arrow in the knee joke just like in Skyrim. Many alcohol barrels after Emyr wakes up with a huge hangover. He’s now in possession of mimic chest named Pix and run down tavern. But he’s not alone his friend, dwarf named Orho helps him. That until a thief girl barges into Emyr’s tavern while fleeing the city guards. We help her to hide and ask what she is up too. Her name is Gwen and she’s looking for her father a legendary adventurer… It’s Emyr but the game will take like 10 levels to acknowledge it. Everything going easy till one day another Emyr’s friend visits him. She’s shaman named Sariv. She got killed in the fight against the orcs but was resurrected by the big orc boss Chief Rush’a’Doom. She’s here to gloat that Orc chief will have his revenge. Naturally Emyr would stop the invasion but his knee keeps acting, so he needs to fix it somehow. So Emyr goes to his friend’s place. Magic store owned by dark elf by the name Varizz. After they done talking and drinking… while Orho works the counter grumbling. Into the book of grudges it goes. Varizz gives Emyr magic scroll that supposed to heal his wounded knee. But Emyr needs time to figure out the spelling and also gather the courage. So trio travels to the marshy swamp area where they will hide for the time. Correct decision since Sariv and Rush already teleported to the tavern. They also killed the city guards and reanimated the corpse of the guard’s captain to send to look for Emyr. Emyr meets his old acquaintance lizard man named Edward. Emyr raided his village, stole his money and beat him up. So naturally Edward is terrified and wants Emyr to go away. Long story short, scrolls doesn’t work and Gwen got kidnapped. 

The swamps are full of thirsty elfs
Elven... maidens

Let’s stop there and move to gameplay section. Don’t worry it’s short since it time management by SQRT3. You played on of them you played all of them. Basics are: You are a store’s cashier and clerk. People will ask for something and you need to gather those things and bring them to the counter to the customer. Some items can be combined in different variations other will need some preparation. Some needs to be restocked. There are also second objective and critter catching. As I said in Arcane Arts academy review every SQRT3 and Game House’s time managements have second objectives and animal to catch to 100% the level. 

How that gobshite got on TV?
I like that Orho speaks with Irish accent

Alright in the end I want to say it is quite good “time manager” game with good and catchy theme that reminds me of first Asterix and Obelix theme. As usual the only thing bad about SQRT3’s games are prices. They tripled in last 3 years, but I’ve already spoke about this in my Arcane Arts Academy review

4 small guys and they grab on my thighs
Is that reference to that old MTV skit with Jack Black about LOtR?
Score 8 out of 10

Looks good...I say that should be the golden standard for time management games

The main theme is catchy

I think this doesn't have mini games, but I might be wrong


  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Relaxing gameplay
  • If you played 1 SQRT3 game you played them all