Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Epic Quest. Another game that was removed from Steam. It is action-adventure and almost the same as old Genesis game called Toejam & Earl in its structure. Also timeline wise it is early years of Finn because he still uses his first sword (Scarlet).

What is the plot of this game? BMO went missing. Finn & Jake find themselves in the land of videogames where the ransom note falls on their heads. What’s in it? We must collect several gaming artifact and bring to the witches garden or else BMO gets it. So, one again we say “Adventure Time” and run to save our friend.

Gameplay. It’s action so we run around and slice and clobber our enemies. We can perform a dodge roll but it’s not very effective if we going to do full combos. Because there is a slight delay between when we finish our series of hits and can dodge roll. But if we do quick one-two the delay will be shorter. We can also do a quick attack or heavy hit. If we hold a hard attack for a second we will do a charge attack it’s needed to break guard of some enemies. We have couple of combo attacks: quick + quick + heavy, heavy + heavy, quick + heavy + heavy. We can also fall of the stage just like in Toejam and Earl, so be careful.
As for this game’s equivalent of presents we have spell pages. Just like in Toejam & Earl we do not know what spells do unless we use them or identify via buying identifying service from princess Bubblegum. There quite a lot of spells that take place on the 1-4 numbers keys. We can collect more but if we want to move certain ones to quick bar we would need to do it from our Enchiridion. There is also one spell that we first need to collect parts of to complete it and then find as a spell page. It is Jake’s puppies spell, we need to find five of them. What are the other spells? They categorize in four different effects. Utility effect, spawn effect, area effect, projectile attack effect. Something like “Golden wings” or “Jake’s stretchy legs” gives us effect that alters our movement type. We can fly with wings or speed up and ignore enemies with Jake mount. Also most of those will take away your attack ability while you use them, doesn’t affect “floaties” spell. Something like “Spitting bubbles” or “Knife rain” will affect the area we’re in. Spitting bubbles spawns puddles of Finn’s salvia to slow enemies who would step in it. Knife rain as its name says will make clouds that produce knives instead of raindrops, it will hurt everyone. Spells like “Moneybags” or “Trap”, I don’t remember the exact name, will spawn coins or random enemy. Lastly projectile attack spells, those are spells like “PB’s paintwork” or “Ninja stars” we temporary replace your attack with projectile attack.
Next are side quests, sometime in the beginning of the stage you will see a key master who will give you a side quest to get extra exp or spells. Those are easy just tedious to finish, you will either be asked to kill certain enemies, open a couple of chests or find a snail.
Monsters. Quite a lot of them each area have its own monsters. If you saw the show you know them. They all are from the early seasons of the show. Like those cute pigs with hats, hug wolfs balding witch, brain crystal beast, penguins, long fire dragons, skeletons, ogres etc. There is also the rare monster I forgot his name so I just call him the big key master. He will randomly appear on the stage and if you manage to land a hit on him he will drop a spell page, so keep hitting him till he flee via his portal door. You don’t necessarily need to attack monsters but you will be under leveled and weak if you don’t. You will get money and experience from monsters. Money you spent on spell pages from the “Choose Goose” store, identifying services of PB or healing service from Doctor princess. Also whenever you level up look for “Billy the Hero” he will upgrade your weapon when you reach certain levels. If I remember correctly there are total of four weapon upgrades.
Right. Your main goal. You need to collect the artifact to pay the ransom. There are four worlds each comes with seven levels. Each world has two artifacts, without them you won’t be allowed to face the boss. Also you have limited lives and you can find scattered through the worlds. I do not know what would happen if you run out of them because I never did. Guess you would have to restart a level.

Right that’s about it. I love this game, it has a very bright and cheery atmosphere just like early seasons of the show. OST fits this game perfectly and I think the same models were used in the Finn & Jake investigations, but I could be wrong. If you can play it it’s not that short you won’t get bored of it.